RESULTADOS: AIW JT Lightning Tournament 23.05.2015 - Noite 2

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No último sábado (23) a Absolute Intense Wrestling realizou a segunda noite do JT Lightning Tournament, confira abaixo os resultados:

- JT Lightning Invitational Tournament 2015 Second Round Match: Josh Prohibition derrotou Matt Cross
- JT Lightning Invitational Tournament 2015 Second Round Match: DJ Z derrotou Cedric Alexander
- JT Lightning Invitational Tournament 2015 Second Round Match: Tracy Williams derrotou Athena
- JT Lightning Invitational Tournament 2015 Second Round Match: Raymond Rowe derrotou Nick Gage
- JT Lightning Invitational Tournament 2015 Second Round Match: Davey Vega derrotou BJ Whitmer
- JT Lightning Invitational Tournament 2015 Second Round Match: Louis Lyndon derrotou 2 Cold Scorpio
- Singles Match: Samoa Joe derrotou Johnny Gargano
- Singles Match: Nightmare Freddy derrotou Dick Justice
- JT Lightning Invitational Tournament 2015 Semi Final Match: Josh Prohibition derrotou DJ Z
- JT Lightning Invitational Tournament 2015 Semi Final Match: Raymond Rowe derrotou Tracy Williams
- AIW Absolute Title Match: Josh Alexander (c) reteve seu title derrotando Ethan Page
- AIW Tag Team Title Match: To Infinity And Beyond (Cheech & Colin Delaney) (c) retiveram seus titles derrotando The FBI (Little Guido & Tracy Smothers)
- JT Lightning Invitational Tournament 2015 Final Three Way Elimination Match: Raymond Rowe derrotou Josh Prohibition & Louis Lyndon para vencer o torneio.

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